From the exceptionally clean and pristine Tasmanian waters, at the bottom Australia, at the very bottom of the world. We fish in the cold southern oceans, the next stop is Antartica.
With a dedication to producing world class seafood, and to the health of our southern oceans, Tasmanian lobster fishers and fishing families take immense pride in sharing our love of Tasmanian southern rock lobsters with the world.
Dragon Tasmania represents the future of a sustainable and consistently high-quality Wild Tasmanian Southern Rock Lobster industry.
We take this responsibility seriously which is why every Dragon Tasmania lobster we sell comes with traceability technology, to track it back to the source. We have partnered with leading technology providers and done the work to connect it all together – so you don’t have to.
If you have never been to Tasmania, you would never know, that it’s different here. From the pristine waters, to a culture of innovation, nature and community.
This place is where we fish. It is not easy working on these waters, but with determination and grit, we find something exceptional.